Alan Webb

Alan Webb

Development Director, Optimus Resource Management

Alan has more than 30 years’ experience of working in the waste and recycling sector, spanning the transition of the industry from simply ‘disposing’ of waste to now managing and preserving resources.

A Chartered Waste Manager (MCIWM), Alan has worked in a number of operational roles, developing and leading recycling initiatives for major waste companies and local authorities.
He also sat on the Business Resource Efficiency and Waste (BREW) Panel before successfully transferring his skills to roles involving tendering and business development.

Alan was previously the managing director of JM Envirofuels, the fuel supply arm of the Jack Moody Group of companies. This role involved supplying a range of recycled wood fuel products for domestic, commercial, industrial and Biomass Power Station use.

Alan is now development director at Optimus Resource Management, which provides support and advice to local authorities and commercial organisations in environmental services procurement and tendering. In addition to his WRA board role, Alan is a Fuel Quality Member of the Biomass Suppliers’ List Advisory Panel.

Alan was elected to the Board of the WRA in 2019.

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