The WRA’s summer members’ meeting is taking place on Wednesday June 6th in Stirling, Scotland.
The meeting promises a packed agenda looking at a variety of topics currently affecting the waste wood industry. It will be followed by a tour of Blue Scotland’s facilities at the Broadley’s Business Park in Stirling.
The meeting is free to WRA members. Non members are welcome to attend but will be charged a fee, which will be deducted from their membership fee should they join the association at a later stage.
The WRA is the only trade association representing wood recyclers and reprocessors in the UK. We work hard on behalf of our members to represent their needs at the highest level within Government and provide advice and support on issues affecting them. We also provide a networking platform for recyclers, reprocessors and suppliers to the industry so they can meet and share experiences, ideas and make new contacts.
For more information about the meeting or to book a place please email