Community Wood Recycling
97 Church StreetBrighton
Elizabeth Green
01273 203040
Community Wood Recycling is a national network of social enterprises, trading for purpose rather than for profit. We collect waste wood and sort it for reuse. This creates jobs and training for disadvantaged people.
This diagram shows how we work
We have a long history of working with the UK’s biggest construction companies, collecting any kind of non-hazardous wood, including pallets. We have all necessary CSCS, PPE, licences, insurances and electronic Waste Transfer Notes, and provide detailed reporting to allow clients to track the social value created by working with us.
We work hard to ensure that as much as possible of what we collect is reused, not just turned into woodchip. By pushing wood up the waste hierarchy and getting as much as possible back into the community for DIY or garden projects, we reduce the need for imported timber and the environmental impact of the felling, processing and transport associated with it. Our lightweight trucks use much less fuel than a skip lorry, reducing carbon and particulate emissions.
As well as saving resources, we are committed to creating jobs, training and volunteering opportunities for local people who for one reason or another are marginalised from the labour market. All sorts of people get to work in our highly supportive but disciplined and customer-focussed social enterprises. We train them, help them to build their confidence and self-esteem and up-skill them – and If we can’t employ them within the enterprise, we’ll help them move on to other paid work, often in the construction sector. For many people, their time with community wood recycling can be a genuinely life-changing experience.
To find out more, visit communitywoodrecycling.org.uk