Last week’s WRA autumn meeting saw a record number of our members attend to hear presentations by Howard Leberman from the Environment Agency and Dr Colin Church, outgoing CEO of the Chartered Institute of Waste Management (CIWM), as well as updates on the work of the WRA.

Over 90 people from WRA member companies packed into the room at the Birmingham Metropole Hotel for the meeting, which started earlier than usual to allow people to get across to the NEC for the annual RWM exhibition.

Julia Turner, Executive Director of the WRA, said she was delighted with the turnout and the positive feedback she received from members afterwards.

“We make a conscious effort to source good quality and informative speakers at each of our meetings and that, combined with the work the WRA Board is doing on behalf of the sector, is proving popular with our members, so we have seen a gradual increase in numbers attending these meetings over the past 18 months. Long may it continue.”

The winter WRA members’ meeting is taking place on Wednesday 5th December in Coventry. Presentations include an update from the Health and Safety Executive,  an overview of the Swedish waste wood market and a briefing on PRNs from The Environment Exchange.

For more information email Julia at


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