Sylvagen Ltd
Sylvagen LtdLevel 2, Brockbourne House,77 Mount EphraimTunbridge WellsKentTN4 8BSCharlie Jones01892280290www.sylvagen.co.ukcharlie.jones@sylvagen.co.uk Founded in 2018 by Charlie Jones, in a joint venture with A.W. Jenkinson’s, Sylvagen was established to offer...
A. W. Jenkinson Forest Products
A. W. Jenkinson Forest ProductsClifton Moor<!–- [et_pb_br_holder] -–>Clifton<!–- [et_pb_br_holder] -–>Penrith<!–- [et_pb_br_holder] -–>CA10 2EY<!–- [et_pb_br_holder] -–>David Hodgson<!–- [et_pb_br_holder] -–>01931 712644<!–-...
A. W. Jenkinson Woodwaste Ltd
A. W. Jenkinson Woodwaste LtdCarriden Industrial EstateBo'nessWest LothianEH51 9SFTom McIntyre01506 821 044awjwoodwaste.co.uktom.mcintyre@awjwoodwaste.co.uk A.W. Jenkinson Woodwaste is the largest timber recycler in Scotland. The business continues to grow year on...
A & A Recycling Services Ltd
A & A Recycling Services LtdCocksparrow LaneHuntingtonCannockStaffordshireWS12 4PBMatthew Howarth01827 722300aandarecycling.co.ukmatthew.howarth@aandarecycling.co.uk A&A Recycling Services was established in the 1990s and its core business was the repair,...